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Property Law


Experienced Law Team

Buying and selling property can appear daunting.  Whether you are a first time buyer, or an investor dealing with a portfolio of properties, there are countless issues to consider.

At Cooper Stott, each matter is dealt with by an experienced lawyer and their personal assistant. Experience has taught us that working together like this allows us to progress your transaction as quickly and efficiently as possible.  You will know who to contact and there will always be someone who knows the ins and outs of your transaction available to take your call.  

We want you to feel comfortable from the point of instruction to you collecting the keys and we will keep you informed and involved with the process from the very beginning to completion.

Every member of our property team – both lawyers and support staff have a minimum of 12 years’ experience. We have the knowledge and expertise to progress your case quickly, while ensuring that all questions that need to be asked are asked.


The vast majority of our conveyancing work will be conducted at a fixed fee and we will be upfront about any possible extra charges at the outset so you can plan for our costs from day one.

We are experienced in all matters of residential conveyancing including:


Buying and Selling

Standalone sales and purchases or dealing with both as part of a chain.



Handling the legal work involved when you refinance your property.


Transfers of Equity

Transferring the legal ownership of a property when circumstances change


 Investment Property

Acting for individuals and companies buying and selling tenanted or untenanted properties

Sale and Purchase of Land

Dealing with parcels of land of all sizes

Residential Leases

Lease extensions, variations, and purchases of freehold

Click the button above to get an

 Online Conveyancing Quote now!



Key stages involved

The precise stages involved in the purchase of a residential property vary according to the circumstances:

  • Take your instructions and give you initial advice

  • Check finances are in place to fund purchase and contact lender's solicitors if needed

  • Receive and advise on contract documents

  • Carry out searches

  • Obtain further planning documentation if required

  • Make any necessary enquiries of seller's solicitor

  • Give you advice on all documents and information received

  • Go through conditions of mortgage offer with you

  • Send final contract to you for signature

  • Send final contract to you for signature

  • Draft Transfer (if Leasehold purchase)

  • Advise you on joint ownership (if Leasehold purchase)

  • Obtain pre-completion searches (if Leasehold purchase)

  • Agree completion date (date from which you own the property)

  • Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened

  • Arrange for all monies needed to be received from lender and you

  • Complete purchase

  • Deal with payment of Stamp Duty/Land Tax

  • Deal with application for registration at Land Registry

Our fees assume that:

  • This is a standard transaction and that no unforeseen matters arise including for example (but not limited to) a defect in title which requires remedying prior to completion or the preparation of additional documents ancillary to the main transaction

  • This is the assignment of an existing lease and is not the grant of a new lease

  • The transaction is concluded in a timely manner and no unforeseen complications arise

  • All parties to the transaction are co-operative and there is no unreasonable delay from third parties providing documentation

  • No indemnity policies are required. Additional disbursements may apply if indemnity policies are required.

Factors that would typically increase the cost of the service

  • Legal title is defective, or part of the property is unregistered

  • If you discover building regulations or planning permission has not been obtained

  • If crucial documents we have previously requested from the client have not been provided


As part of our professional rules, we aim to ensure that anyone wishing to use our services has the information they need to make an informed choice of legal services provider, including understanding what the costs may be.

Stamp Duty or Land Tax (on Purchase)

This depends on the purchase price of your property. You can calculate the amount you will need to pay by using HMRC's website or if the property is located in Wales by using the Welsh Revenue Authority's website here.

What is not included?

We do not report on structural surveys which are outside our area of expertise.

How long will my house purchase take?

For any transaction, the timescales are subject to change depending on when your offer is accepted and factors involved such as:

  • Number of parties in the chain

  • Whether you have a mortgage in place

  • Whether you are buying a new build property

A typical transaction will take between 10-14 weeks. However, if any of the above apply, or there are other factors we need to take into consideration, it may increase the time by a further 4-6 weeks and additional charges may occur. We will discuss this with you at the earliest opportunity so you always have a clear picture of how long things are likely to take.

Purchase of a property.

Our Fees

To obtain a detailed quotation for your transaction please click on the Online Conveyancing Quote link.

What is included?

Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as Land Registry fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. The disbursements which we anticipate will apply are set out separately below. This list is not exhaustive and other disbursements may apply depending on the term of the lease. We will update you on the specific fees upon receipt and review of the lease from the seller's solicitors.

Brick House

Sale of a property.

Our Fees

To obtain a detailed quotation for your transaction please click on the Online Conveyancing Quote link.

What is included?

  • Obtaining mortgage redemption statement and redeeming the mortgage on completion.

  • Settling the Estate Agents Invoice on completion

Living Space
South Kensington London Mews

How long will my house sale take?

For any transaction, the timescales are subject to change depending on when your offer is accepted and factors involved such as:

  • Number of parties in the chain

  • Whether you have a mortgage in place

  • Whether you are buying a new build property

A typical transaction will take between 10-14 weeks. However, if any of the above apply, or there are other factors we need to take into consideration, it may increase the time by a further 4-6 weeks and additional charges may occur. We will discuss this with you at the earliest opportunity so you always have a clear picture of how long things are likely to take.

Key stages involved

The precise stages involved in the purchase of a residential property vary according to the circumstances:

  • Take instructions and give initial advice

  • Obtain official copies of the Land registry title

  • Supply the protocol documents to be completed by the vendor

  • Draft the contract and collate the documents for the contract pack

  • Send the contract and protocol documents to the buyer’s solicitor

  • Forward enquiries raised by the buyer to the client

  • Answer legal enquiries raised by the buyer

  • Obtain redemption statements

  • If required obtain indemnity Insurance quotation

  • Approve the transfer document

  • Obtain agents invoice

  • Draft completion statement and send to client

  • Send the transfer document and contract to client for signature

  • Agree completion date

  • Exchange contracts

  • Obtain agents invoice

  • Complete on sale

  • Redeem mortgage

  • Settle estate agents’ invoice

  • Forward property documents to buyer’s solicitor

  • Forward completion funds to client’s nominated account

Remortgage a property.

How long will my house remortgage take?

A typical remortgage takes between 6 and 8 weeks, however, it can be longer if there are any complications such as an application being rejected. The process may also take longer if you switch lenders compared with getting a new deal with your current mortgage company.

House and bicycle
New house

Key stages involved

With every transaction there are key milestones, which may vary according to individual circumstances. They may be as follows:

  • Taking your instructions and giving initial advice based on the information you have provided

  • Requesting the Title Deeds and Redemption Statement

  • Obtaining Official Copies of the Title

  • Checking the Title

  • Checking Official Copies

  • Leasehold properties will require the lease to be checked and enquiries made if relevant

  • Searches

  • Checking the mortgage offer

  • Preparing for completion

  • Requesting final redemption statement

  • Requesting the mortgage advance

  • Completion

  • Registration

To discuss how Cooper Stott can help you with your property matter contact Katie Cooper, Kathryn Griffiths or Phil Kay on 0191 384 7210.

Contact Us

Call: 0191 384 7210

Fax: 0191 384 4882

Aykley Vale Chambers

Durham Road, Aykley Heads, Durham, DH1 5NE


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  • Cooper & Stott

Cooper Stott Solicitors is a trading name of Cooper Stott Solicitors Ltd, which is a private company limited by shares registered in England and Wales (company number 08939300). We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) reference number 615314. A list of our Directors, all of whom are solicitors, is available for inspection at our registered office.

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